Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sevilla Out and LOSERS

Bags almost packed, apartment almost clean, school almost finished, and very very soon we will bid Sevilla goodbye, head north, then south, then north again before flying west west west.

This is the last you'll hear from the Tail for a while.
See you in late August.

Just a little addition, as I'm typing away, thanking Otterbutt for reminding me about Father's Day, I suddenly realize and yell over to The Don, (sitting across from me).
"Hey, Oh shit,we forgot our anniversary!"
The Don looks at his watch to check the date. "Yeh, that was the day before I got back from doing field work"
Me: "The 13th?"
The Don: "No, the 14th!"
Me: "Shit, and it was a big one."
The Don: "Yeh, the 10th."

I make him the LOSER L sign on my forehead. He makes it back to me.

What is 10 anyway? Diamonds, Emeralds (please say emeralds!!!), pearls? What???


Dr. Write said...

Happy 10th! We'll be having our 9th in two days. We're going to a Red Butte concert with Son. Should be fun.
And we did nothing for Father's Day. Nothing really. Gus got bit on the ear. sigh.

Lisa B. said...

Happy 10th from me, too--it'll be nice to see you back in SLC.

Nik said...

Oh, you might not see this until you get back but happy anniversary and happy father's day and happy travels and I pray to god your return and our visit overlap. See you in seven weeks or so!