Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Thoughts on Returning to Utah

Okay, all, that was a long time, no blog. Now, I'm back, mostly settled (but still ripping up the house). Don says we're hemorrhaging money, but if we don't fix the 2 year old holes in the ceiling now, when will we? And of course, fixing holes means painting and re-doing the bathroom while we're at it ('cause some of those holes CAME from bathroom problems, which also calling an electrician to finally put an outlet in the bathroom, which means we should also have him put a light in Adrian's closet, which reminds us we promised Adrian a new bedroom, which means new windows (and why is vinyl so expensive...but the grandparents are paying for it), which means since we're saving money on the windows we might as well get new carpeting upstairs.

Observations and Comments about life back in Utah:
1) It's hot
2) It's dry
3) People are obsessed with exercise
4) The cars are very very big
5) Wine is ridiculously expensive. Speaking of which The Paris is WAY over-priced. We ate more and better in the REAL Paris for less
6) It's hot
7) It's stupid to have to drive everywhere
8) It's stupid to show an ID for wine when in Sevilla we just sent Adrian to the corner store.
9) It's stupid to have to buy our own wine instead of sending the kid
10) Come to think of it, cheese is over-priced too
11) It's way too hot

(and in case you're wondering.. Sevilla CAN BE hotter, but we missed all that because we left June 22 and went to Denmark (think mid-Alaska)!


Nik said...

You're back! Yay. And it does suck. All this expense and exercise. Let's move to Paris and walk and eat cheap cheese and drink cheap wine. And by cheap I mean good. And cheap.

Dr Write said...

Yeah to you blogging! And boo to overpriced wine and cheese. Boo! But, what are you going to do? We live close to hiking and the whatnot, so we have to pay more for wine. Bleah!

Scorpion's Tail said...

true..i guess it IS all location location location. And I don't mind "them there mountains" (like my neighbor Gus does!

thank somebody for dine-around

Lisa B. said...

Well, with all the detractions, I must say that one thing about Utah is (12) that you can run into Scorpion's Tail at a reading on a Wednesday night! So, it's good to have you back in town.

Scorpion's Tail said...

hey lisa b...reading your comment made me look again...and my blog sounds so NEGATIVE, but really I'm THRILLED to be back!! I missed everyone